
My First Taste Of Alcohol – A Distressed Omobutty

Growing up as the last born in a butty family is not an easy something. Especially when the eldest is about 10 years older than you? Mehn, baby of the house does not begin to describe your title. On top of that to come from a strict pentecostal family, fun with your peers was something you only dream about.

The worst part of it was no-one ever noticing that you are growing up. At the age of 18 whenever there were parties at home I was still made to sit with the children in the small parlor despite the fact that I was already going to my third year in the university.

When it came to having a night out with my siblings, we go to bars and joints and while they are drinking alcohol they would order “gospel juice” for me as my brother calls it. As a result of this alcohol never held much flair for me cause come to think of it I had no idea what I was missing or not missing.

Throughout my years in university my boyfriend who knew my history or should I say lack of history with alcohol made sure I never tasted any form of it even in parties. But one faithful day my story changed!

One Thursday night in second semester of part four, project, test and impending exams had everyone on edge. I just had a huge fight with my guy. They way he stormed out of my apartment signaled the end of our relationship, but we were supposed to read together (PS: he was supposed to force me to read).

Trying to calm my nerves to focus and all, I remembered that in American film when they are angry or sad or even happy they drink alcohol and seemingly calm down. So I opened my fridge and saw one of his bottles of wine.

Opening it without further thought I took a swig of the wine and God help me I spat it out! What’s this?! Is this what you people call fun? Holy Moses, Zebudaiah and Judas! The taste was awful, the after taste it left in my mouth was worse and dear God my stupidity in taking that action was hilarious.

Since that day the only time I use alcohol is when I pour red wine in some sauces. I discovered I was missing nothing, I’m still crazy in the club or parties, I take tough decisions, I carry out dares and I’m proud it’s all me.

This gospel juice has got my blood pumping. I was born drunk and damn! There’s no way in hell I’m tasting that shid again (forgive my french)…..but I’m adventurous so……maybe?? Definitely bucket list material

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